El Proceso de Curación del Jamón Ibérico: Tradición y experiencia

The Curing Process of Iberian Ham: Tradition and Experience

At Ibéricos Torreón, we know that the secret of a good Iberian ham lies in the proper execution of each of the stages of its production, and salting is one of the crucial steps. This traditional process not only preserves the meat, but also gives it its unique and characteristic flavour. This is the meticulous curing process of Ibéricos Torreón that guarantees the superior quality of our products.

Selection of raw materials

The first fundamental step is the selection of the pieces. Only hams from Iberian pigs, raised in freedom and fed with acorns during the montanera, meet the quality standards of Ibéricos Torreón. These pigs, known for their genetics and diet, provide meat with exceptional fat infiltration, an essential base for a good ham.


The ham is completely covered with sea salt in chambers at temperatures between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius, with a relative humidity of 80 to 90%. The salting time varies according to the weight of the piece, generally one day is calculated for each kilogram of ham. The salt absorbs the moisture from the meat, starting the curing process and preventing the proliferation of unwanted microorganisms.


Once the salting period is over, the hams are washed with warm water to remove excess salt. Afterwards, post-salting takes place, where the pieces rest in chambers for approximately 4 or 5 months. During this stage, the salt is distributed evenly throughout the meat, stabilising its composition and beginning to develop the characteristic flavours of Iberian ham.

Drying and maturation

Once the post-salting process is complete, the hams are placed in natural drying rooms, where they spend more than 2 years. Here, the temperature and humidity are controlled naturally by air ventilation. In this process, over a period of at least 24 months, the ham gradually loses water and its fats are transformed, acquiring the flavour nuances that make Ibéricos Torreón's Iberian ham unique.

Aging in the cellar

The final touch of the salting process is aging in a cellar, where the hams rest in specific temperature and humidity conditions. This process can last several years, depending on the type of ham. For example,100% Bellota Hams can spend up to 3 years. During this time, the flavors are concentrated and the texture becomes softer and juicier.

Each Ibéricos Torreón ham undergoes rigorous quality controls at each stage of the salting process. From the initial selection to the final ageing, factors such as temperature, humidity and time are monitored, ensuring that each piece meets the high quality standards that characterise us.

The process of salting Iberian ham is an art that combines tradition and technical knowledge

At Ibéricos Torreón, we are proud to follow these inherited and evolved methods, combining family experience with ongoing innovation work, ensuring that each bite of our hams offers an unrivalled sensory experience. Thus, each piece becomes a testament to the mastery and dedication we put into our work, preserving and exalting the legacy of Iberian ham.

Live the experience live

If you want to experience this process first-hand, take part in one of the Torreón Iberian Experiences , where you can see first-hand the entire process we carry out in our factory. And, of course, you will taste and enjoy the culinary delicacies we create here.