A few days ago we gave you details of how the Montanera stage takes place in Torreón Iberian pigs. And now, the Acorn Campaign has arrived, the time to reap the fruits of this very important phase in the development of our animals, from which we obtain Iberian meat with highly valued characteristics, for its freshness and great flavor.
The Torreón Iberian pigs began to enjoy the Montanera last November and between the end of January and the beginning of February it has come to an end, complying with the regulations established by Royal Decree 4/2014 , of January 10, where the Quality Standard for meat, ham and Iberian shoulder and loin.
La Montanera has allowed them to live in freedom in the pasture for almost three months, feeding on acorns and natural resources and reaching an approximate weight of 170 kilos each animal. The excellent natural diet that they have had and the continuous exercise that they have carried out in freedom through the pastures determine the subsequent quality of the meat that we obtain, with a perfect infiltration of fat and great juiciness .
The ideal time to buy Iberian meat
The Torreón Bellota Campaign allows us to offer a wide variety of exquisitely flavored Iberian meat cuts. We are at the best time of the year to buy Iberian meat because it comes from Iberian pigs whose genetics provide a high percentage of healthy and tasty fat, thanks to the fact that they have developed naturally in the most decisive period of their growth and based on a equally natural diet.

In the quartering, during the Torreón Acorn Campaign we highlight highly valued noble cuts such as
The correct infiltration of fat to which we alluded before is especially noticeable in all of them. The intense reddish color, the texture and the attractive veining of these pieces are striking.
And, in this section, we cannot fail to mention our Burgers , because they are a superior quality creation made by the artisans of Torreón, selecting the different pieces of Iberian meat with great skill and proportionality and achieving an exclusive flavor without the need to use additives. of any kind.