Cómo Elegir el Jamón Perfecto: Una Guía para ser el Rey de la Mesa

How to Choose the Perfect Ham: A Guide to Be the King of the Table

When you put a plate of Iberian ham on the table it is to enjoy it to the fullest, for its flavor but also to give yourself the pleasure of impressing your guests because you have known how to make the best choice. Here I leave you some keys so that you can select the best Iberian ham with knowledge and be able to delight all your diners.

Keys to a successful choice of Iberian ham

It is important to understand what the colors on the labels and the percentages of Iberian meat indicated on each piece refer to . The purity of the breed, the diet and the breeding influence the flavor, providing different nuances and sensations.

Distinguish between Shoulder and Ham: The shoulder comes from the front extremities and is smaller, with an intense flavor and nuances of nuts. The ham, from the rear ones, offers a more balanced and mild flavor; and has longer curing time than the palette.

We are going to break down some of the most relevant aspects.

  1. The Color of the Seal.

It is essential to identify quality. Black indicates 100% acorn-fed Iberian, the highest level of quality. The red represents 75% or 50% Iberian, also fed with acorns.

How to read the label and choose the Iberian ham we want judiciously.

Carlos Blazquez - Black Seal: It is synonymous with maximum quality, animals fed with acorns and raised in freedom. The pigs are 100% Iberian breed, that is, both parents are also 100% Iberian. Click play on the image and Carlos Blázquez, Business Development Director and third generation of Ibéricos Torreón, tells you three important details to distinguish a 100% Iberian ham.

- Red Seal : Indicates an acorn diet, but with a 75% or 50% Iberian breed. One of the parents, usually the mother, is a 100% Iberian breed.

Both the Black and the Red are precious that identify animals raised in freedom and extensively, the physical activity they carry out gives rise to a very protein meat, due to the muscle very rich in iron that the animals develop during the field. This outdoor breeding process includes the Montanera period, the last phase of growth, in which they enjoy the freshly fallen ripe acorn, an element that rounds off the superior quality of these Iberian pigs. The acorn is responsible for making the fats in these hams unsaturated, healthier, and melt in the mouth.

- Green seal : They are field bait hams, from animals in which one parent is also 100% Iberian breed, with natural outdoor feeding, and also high quality cereals and feed.

- White Seal: They are bait hams, in which the percentage of Iberian breed can be varied and that have been fed in feedlots and raised in controlled spaces.

  1. Eat with your eyes.

When deciding on one ham or another, also pay attention to its appearance, giving importance to the following qualities.

- Shape of the Ham: Look for stylized and elongated pieces, characteristics of the 100% Iberian breed. Be careful with the hoof, which must be somewhat worn, because that means it has been in the field.

- Color and Texture: A good ham should have a yellowish exterior fat and lean ocher brown. The fat should be soft and melt to the touch. The ideal fat infiltration offers a very fine and homogeneous bite.

  1. Conservation and Consumption.

Once the decision is made and we have chosen our wonderful Iberian ham and taking into account that we are talking about a natural and fresh product, we will also have to focus on how to keep it in perfect condition. If we forget this aspect, we can ruin the quality of the product that we have carefully selected.

- Consumption Temperature: A ham should be consumed freshly cut and at room temperature to appreciate all its flavors. If you opt for vacuum-sliced ​​envelopes, remember to open them for a while before consuming them to let them air out and cool down, in case you had them refrigerated.

- Conservation: Once you have started a ham, cover the cut part with its own fat and wrap it in transparent film, then protecting it with a cloth to keep out light. If it's an envelope, it's best to finish it 😉 once it's opened.

  1. Bonus: Expert Tips

- Experts highlight that quality is reflected in the infiltration of healthy fat in the ham, with the pigs' consumption of acorns being a determining factor.

- When choosing, also consider the size of your group. For two people, a paddle may be more suitable due to its smaller size.

Now, enjoy the unique flavor of Iberian ham and show off with a delicacy that will leave all your guests delighted.